Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Christmas is 'Up'

We put the decorations up last Sunday (or should I say 'I'!). I found it slightly a chore, having three rooms on the go, but of course once it was done I loved it! There's something about anything that twinkles, be it stars, fairylights or whatever, thats gets me mesmerized.

The lounge in the vicarage isn't exactly cozy at 26 feet x 16 feet, so the tree and the garland on the mantlepiece has really warmed it up.
You'll notice that the tree has fewer ornaments on the bottom and anyone with cats will know why! Baubles make great balls to chase round the room.
Anyway, I shall now retire and tend to the scarf I am knitting, which Robert says will soon be able to wrap itself around the house.
Keep warm everyone. Its icy here!

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Needing a on

I came across this while blog surfing. You know what it's like, you go from one to another, until you can't remember where you came from.

Anyway, these Student Bloopers will give you a giggle or a belly laugh, depending on your sense of humour. Enjoy!

Student Bloopers

Friday, 7 December 2007

Mini Merry now on Ebay

Merry is now on It's so hard working out the time differences when listing on the American ebay, plus trying to make the listing end at a time that pleases people both in the UK and overseas. His listing will end in America at 7pm, which means that anyone in the UK will have to stay up late if they want to put a final bid in! I think I've got that right!

I've never had great success with ebay. I've seen some really lovely bears on there that don't do well. I'm not sure why. I've had 20 'watchers' in the past yet not one bid. Then again, I've had much fewer and got bids! Oh well, fingers crossed for me!

I've decided I might enter the Golden Teddy Awards. I say 'might' because entries have to be in by the 30th December and with me being a hand sewer, it takes me much longer to create a bear than other artists who use a machine. I shall dig through my mohair and scratch my head and ponder. It's not really the time of year to be stressed is it! I shall see.

Anyway, below is the link to Merry's auction. Pop by and say 'Hi' to him and wish hime luck.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

New Mini Merry

Please meet Merry!
With my bearmaking I tend to like a change now and again and will make a certain size for a while then want to downsize or upsize. Merry is a downsize! He sits at just under five inches. He's not your typical Christmas bear, but with his chocolate ruff with gold organza, he felt kind of Christmassy to me.
Merry will be going on soonish. Just got to design his page.
Will pop a link on here when he's all ready to go!

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

My Poor Eyezies

I really am greatful for the space in the vicarage, but the study, although being large and having two windows (as do most of the rooms - how grand!), is rather lacking in natural light. It gets dark so very quickly in this room, that I feel like a mole in a hole.

I really must invest in a proper daylight lamp. At the moment I have a lamp base with a daylight bulb in (the blue ones) with no shade. I'm practically being blinded by it. My eyes seriously need testing as it is. Contacts lenses and new lenses, I see pound signs. With the lounge being so big and the television seeming like it's sat in the next county, my eyes really are feeling the strain.

Talking of know what it's like when you need to 'powder your nose' in the night and you don't want to switch the landing light on ? I was on my way back the other night, with freshly powdered nose when I overshot the distance to our bedroom door and walked smack bang into the next closed bedroom door.

Reminds me of the days when you had to put money in the meter for the electric. We were in total darkness and I did the same thing then. Best bit was my late father saying "Did you have your glasses on?". Alas, glasses can't make you see in the dark. Must keep eating those carrots.

Anyway, back to being a mole in that hole.