Sunday 24 August 2008

Church Farm

A little belated, but some photos of our trip to one of my favourite places to go for a day out, Church Farm in Stow Bardolph, Norfolk. Enjoy!

The urge to snuggle up with them was overwhelming!

All the pigs at Church Farm smile!

"Hey, teach ME the art of escaping!"

Photo trickery! - The donkey on the left is 32

Buff Orpington - He was being followed around by one of his wives, but were hard to photo together

Brahmas - the cockerel was about 3 feet tall!

Trevor the Cockerel - He shared his home with Brian and their ten wives!

I love Church Farm. I could happily live there. One of the barns would do and the food is delish!

Hugs, Sarah x

Friday 22 August 2008

Pigeon Newsflash!

An update on the pigeon saga. Well, they are all gone, all nine (!) of them. But it's all good news! We thought they all belonged to the man in London, so didn't want to tell him they were here, for fear that he would collect them and 'neck' them. We found a note through the letterbox a long while after, with a name and telephone number (?). Unsure as to who it was we didn't ring it. To cut a long story short, seven of the pigeons belonged to a lovely man five minutes away from us, who had bought them from our houses previous owner. He rang the man in London, who said either 'neck' them or if he wanted them he could transfer them over to him. Well, the man local to us, is a big softy like us and wouldn't dream of necking them, so he's having them! All worked out well in the end. Hoorah!

Hugs, Sarah x

Monday 11 August 2008

Ebay Forest!

Just a quick post to say, yay, I did get Forest on ebay ok Sunday! Though for some reason the ivy background I downloaded when I designed his layout isn't showing, though it did in the preview. Very frustrating! Grrrrrr.
Anyhoo.......visit his listing by clicking here.
Had a lovely day out today at a rare breeds farm, but I'll save the photos for another day, as it's just about time for my beauty sleep!
Hugs, Sarah x

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Pickle Post

Well previously I had a Pigeon Post, so I had to have a Pickle Post didn't I?!

Above on the right, is Pickle, who will be travelling to his new home this week. On the left is Forest, who will hopefully be going on this coming Sunday. I hope to get Forest's listing page designed this week. It's been a while since I did a layout or listed on ebay, so hopefully I can get into the swing of things again. If not, it'll be the following Sunday ;) Hopefully.

Our conservatory has turned out to be a great place to photograph bears! Must be all the light. Outside in good fine weather, the light is great, but when it's raining or overcast it's not so great!

It's nice to be posting something beary! I still haven't got organized to start sewing again. I think I will have to get set up in the dining room temporarily until the study is redecorated. It will be so nice to be getting things out of boxes! Joy! Sewing materials and such, right at hand! Sigh.

Anyway, I'd better make a start at the layout for Forest.

Hugs, Sarah x