Wednesday 24 December 2008

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Love from me Sarah, my partner Robert, the cats - Alfie, Harvey, Ellie, Monty, Poppy and Sadie, the hens - Dotty, Dolly, Sybil, Gracie and Lettuce and last but not least, Guinea pigs, Lola and Hattie.


Saturday 20 December 2008

This and That

Christmas day will soon be upon us! Wheeeeee! Now I just have a few more presents to wrap I'm looking forward to it. Christmas always gives me a feeling of hope and new beginnings. Plus everything is twinkly and pretty!

We had a bit of stress with the chicknes the last few days. I was watching them tuck into their afternoon treats when I noticed a fairly big bloody patch on Sybil (our white hen). I actually took a sharp audible intake of breath when I saw it. I thought people only did that in films! To cut a long story short, Lettuce had plucked out several of Sybils feathers. Ouchie. I just wanted to scoop her up and bring her into the house. Obviously that wasn't practical, so I set her up her own space inside the shed right next to their coop, to let her heal (chickens can get to like the taste of blood!). The next day I checked on her to find a scene that looked like a massacre. It looked like her area had been burgled and there were spots of blood here and there! She had gone crazy in the night not being able to be with the other girls, trashed the place and injured her comb, which was bleeding. So I cleaned her up and put her back in with the others. I'd hung a cabbage in the run to distract Lettuce and they all loved it! What was the first thing Sybil did, when her legs hit the run floor? She shot off into the nest box and laid an egg. She'd hated her 'sick room' so much she'd refused to lay her egg there.

Beary news! I have actually finished a bear! Just have some beading to add to his collar and he's all done. Will post pictures when I get time and the right lighting.

Festive hugs, Sarah x

Monday 8 December 2008

First Eggs!

Two of our chooks laid their first egg today!

Above is Dotty's, which strangely has come out dotty! Sybil sadly squished hers. Considering Sybil is a rather scatty hen, I shouldn't have expected any other.

I was rather in awe of Dotty's egg. Also rather proud (?). Hopefully there will be another two tomorrow and Sybil will be a bit more careful!

Hugs, Sarah x

Saturday 6 December 2008

Chilly Chooks

This is a rather belated 'Snow Post'! Those of you in the UK will know that the snow has been and gone! It has been rather icy this week though. Eeek! I think I practically broke all the bones in Robert's hand on our walk into work. Although I wear flat boots, I might as well have had a sheet of glass for soles. If I'd tried running, I'd have gone nowhere and would have just been spinning legs on the spot.

I' d have liked to have seen what the chickens thought to the snow, when their eyes first alighted on it. As I am nowhere near being a morning person, it's usually (ok, it's always) Robert who lets them out into their run.

Do you see the feet marks going around the run? Thats our resident racing pigeon. I think he thinks he's a chicken now. They'll be clucking and he'll be cooing. Bless him. Really must ring the man who lives nearby, as it's most likely one of his.

Anyway, must go. Housework to do (yawn). Plus.........there's a bear in creation!!!

Yes, I heard the thud as you hit the floor........

Hugs, Sarah x