Monday, 8 December 2008

First Eggs!

Two of our chooks laid their first egg today!

Above is Dotty's, which strangely has come out dotty! Sybil sadly squished hers. Considering Sybil is a rather scatty hen, I shouldn't have expected any other.

I was rather in awe of Dotty's egg. Also rather proud (?). Hopefully there will be another two tomorrow and Sybil will be a bit more careful!

Hugs, Sarah x


Babs (Beetle) said...

Well I hope you didn't eat your first baby! Ha ha ha ha!

If it was me, I'd want to hatch them all!

Sarah said...

It's ok Babs, we don't have a cockeral! You have to have one to fertilize the eggs. We won't have any fear of a chick plopping out into the frying pan!

Hugs, Sarah x

Monica said...

This egg is soo cute!!

Thanks for your lovely comment- I had a terrible Christmas while renovating our home- no gas, no hot water, no kitchen, a microwave only thanks to a single live wire (!), boxes and dust everywhere, a room only with EVERYTHING in it!... It was such a nightmare! Hope you won't be traumatized at all by this!

Debra said...


Thanks so much for popping over to my blog and leaving me such a lovely comment! Like you, I am an animal lover. That egg is just precious!

I am so sorry about the loss of your beloved kitty. Looking at her reminded me of my Chloe who passed away at the age of 20. My heart still aches when I think about it.

I will be back to read more of your posts.


Sarah said...

Monica, I've had another look at your lovely room! I can almost hear the fire crackling. It's ok we've renovated before! This one isn't as bad as the last. We were taking plaster off walls and taking down ceilings!

Hugs, Sarah x

Sarah said...

Debra, that first egg was precious! We had another two today! Sybil didn't squish hers, so we have a lovely white egg from her!

I still miss our Lily. Your Chloe was a very good age, bless her.

Hugs, Sarah x

Aleta said...

Such an exquisite egg!! Hopefully Sybil will be a little more careful next time! I love all the names of your chickens!! I had no idea, until reading your blog, that chickens had distinct personalities. How cool is that?!!

Warmest bear hugs, Aleta

weechuff said...

Congratulations on your first egg!! How wonderful to be able to keep chickens. I see from your comments that you have had some more eggs. Have you eaten them yet, and if so, are they really better than shop bought ones?
By the way, I was so sorry to hear about the loss of Lily. It is always sad to lose one of our friends, but that is the price we have to pay for having their life long devotion isn't it?

Sarah said...

weechuff - the eggs are wonderful! Lovely and fresh, so they don't spread all over the pan when fried and they have more taste to them.

Eggs in the supermarkets can be up to three weeks old when they hit the shelf.

Lily is very much missed. She was such a lovely cat.

Hugs, Sarah x

All Bear by Paula said...

What a magnificent egg! Dipping soldiers with mine please! Yum!